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Advocating for Inclusive Environments, Equal Opportunity

October 4, 2021

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), which serves to educate people about disability employment, and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities.

Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas (WSNCT) assists career seekers with disabilities through a partnership with Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS). Along with VRS, WSNCT collaborates with local Independent School Districts, businesses and community organizations to provide job search assistance, training, counseling, career exploration opportunities and other support services for career seekers with disabilities.

There are 12 WSNCT workforce centers across the 14 counties in North Central Texas, and nearly all of them have vocational rehabilitation staff on site. “We are here to help career seekers with disabilities overcome obstacles and break through barriers to employment,” said Molly Thompson, Program Manager at WSNCT’s Greenville Workforce Center. “It’s more important than ever that we do all we can to ensure people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement as we move toward recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In addition to offering programs and support services for people with disabilities, WSNCT held a virtual career fair on October 6, 2021, to connect people with disabilities to employers. More than 90 career seekers registered for the event and had access to representatives from Home Depot, UT Dallas, Blue Bell, Waffle House, Tritech Software, Omni Frisco Hotel and other employers who participated.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month is led by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy, but its true spirit lies in the many observances held at the grassroots level across the nation every year. Employers of all sizes and in all industries are encouraged to participate in NDEAM.

For specific ideas on how you can support National Disability Employment Awareness Month, visit Let’s all work together to foster a more inclusive workforce, one where every person is recognized for their abilities — every day of every month.

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